Travel once around the sun with The Firesign Theatre:
2022 calendar by Bruce Snyder
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The first ever collection of Bruce’s Firesign visualizations has arrived as a calendar. This full-color 11’ x 8 1/2” calendar will be perfect for framing and includes ALL the months in the year 2022 AD!
After seeing Bruce’s Firesign posters, David Ossman came up with the idea of making this calendar, and Philip Proctor and Taylor Jessen provided guidance and a few additions.
Each month features visualized versions of unforgettable Firesign bits, commercials, memories and moments. There’s restored and colorized photos of the Firesigns, history, and lots of hidden visual puns. There are over 100 different ‘Bill’s faces’, between the WWII classic “We’re Bringing The War Back Home” audience and the turn-of-millennium visit to Billville in “Boom Dot Bust”. There’s plenty of Nick Danger, too—including some of what happened during President Roosevelt’s cut-away announcement.
“Funny, complicated and well worth collecting”. -David Ossman